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Tylvalosin tartrate

Focus on the production of DBNPA & BRONOPOL over 20 years

Product Name: Acetylisovaleryltylosin Tartrate

CAS NO.: 63428-13-7

Structural formula:

Appearance:  white or light yellow powder


Melting point:     208 - 211°C

LOD: ≤0.8%

Package: Net 10KG/Drum

Usage: Tylvalosin Tartrate is a raw material of veterinary drugs, belongs to antibiotics drugs. The main component is acetyl-isovaleryl-tylosin tartrate. Is a macrolide antibiotics obtained by fermentation and only used for animal. Has a unique new chemical structure, significantly enhanced drug resistance. Interfere with protein synthesis by rolling in binding to the 50S ribosome subunit and its metabolite 3-AT still with antibacterial activity. Tylvalosin Tartrate is the most sensitive antibiotics against Mycoplasma in the world.

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